Resources & Publications
Working with children and young people to develop
equitable, resilient treescapes for future generations.
Treescapes Resources
We aimed to integrate children and young people’s knowledge, experiences, and hopes with scientific knowledge in order to co-produce new approaches to creating and caring for resilient treescapes that benefit the environment and society.
The ‘Voices of the Future’ project aimed to work with diverse children and young people to co-develop more hopeful, equitable, resilient treescapes of the future.
View and download helpful Voices of the Future schools resources.
The Enchanted Tree [PDF]
Seymour Park Community Primary School Treescapes Manifesto [PDF]
The Tree of Hope [PDF]

Further Education
View and download helpful Voices of the Future further education resources.
Informal Education
View and download helpful Voices of the Future informal education resources.

View and download helpful Voices of the Future practitioner resources.
View and download helpful Voices of the Future resources for families.
The Language of Trees
This project strand worked with families with preschool children in South Yorkshire. By paying attention to what can happen between young children and trees, we aimed to show and celebrate the wide range of interesting ways in which children make meaning in treescapes.

Environmental Sector
View and download helpful Voices of the Future environmental sector resources
Young People Act: Nature/Climate Resource [PDF]
Ambreen, S., Badwan, K., Pahl, K. (2024) Attending to children’s voices within environmental education.’ Childhood,
Between and Beyond Environmental Education
Kraftl, P., Ambreen, S., Armson, D., Badwan, K., Curtis, E., Pahl, K., Schofield, J.E. (2024) ‘Starting with trees: between and beyond environmental education.’ British Educational Research Journal,
Badwan, K., Pahl, K., Nunn, C. (2024) ‘Working with/beyond ‘language’: insights from a listening walk with young men from asylum-seeking backgrounds in a rural treescape.’ Language and Intercultural Communication, 24(5) pp. 497-510.