
Seymour Park Community Primary School Manifesto for Our Treescapes

This manifesto was developed by 90 Year 5 children
at Seymour Park Community Primary School in Old Trafford, Manchester.

A Treescapes project May 2024

This manifesto was developed by 90 Year 5 children at Seymour Park Community Primary School in Old Trafford, Manchester. Over the past three years the children took part in a range of research activities that explored their own understandings and imaginings of the treescapes around them. The manifesto speaks of their dreams as well as their demands. It is an acknowledgment of their work and a testament to their commitment to a greener, cleaner, and
fairer Earth.

Credits are due to Seymour Park Community Primary School, the Voices of the Future project team and our research partners from Manchester City of Trees and The Mersey Forest. The title font was created collaboratively by the children at Seymour Park Primary School. This work was
supported by the Natural Environment Research Council [NE/V021370/1].